Stories, songs, and fingerplays make up this fun program for children of all ages.
Stories, songs, and fingerplays make up this fun program for children of all ages.
Grades 7-12: Interested in acting in this year's Teen Theater performance? Attend this meeting to learn more about the process and meet the Director, Scott Schauman.
Learn about streaming, how it works, and what technology you will need to “cut the cord.” Review some of the most popular streaming services on the market right now (Roku, Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, etc.) and their costs.
Read and discuss articles from this popular magazine. "Required readings” are chosen by group members and posted to the library's website.
Adult Summer Reading Kickoff Event: Murder Mystery Party
Dress up in Western-inspired outfits for a Wild West Murder Mystery Party. Sign up for summer reading. Food provided.
Practice your reading with Jack, our tail wagging tutor! Jack is a certified therapy dog who will be here for 1st-5th graders to read to him. Call (585-394-1381) or stop in the library to sign up for your own special 10-minute reading session.