De-Icing Dilemma

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Purpose of Meeting

Join CLWA and Dr. Bruce Gilman for a talk on de-icing agents!

Thursday, February 16th at 7:00 PM
Wood Library, Hamlin Room Side A

Presented by: Dr. Bruce Gilman

Registration is required:

First introduced to improve winter road safety, the use of de-icing agents has grown so immensely that unforeseen environmental problems have emerged today. This presentation will examine the history of their use, review the scientific literature for their environmental impacts, and describe the ongoing local tributary sampling program established by the presenter and his student volunteers at Finger Lakes Community College. Data for Canandaigua Lake tributary streams will be highlighted, including a stressed stream segment analysis for Cook’s Point stream.

After Bruce’s talk, Kevin Olvany, Watershed Program Manager for the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council, will discuss the best management practices that several area municipalities will be implementing to help minimize the impacts of de-icing agents on our local waterways.

Presented by: Dr. Bruce Gilman

Dr. Bruce Gilman has recently retired from the Department of Environmental Conservation and Horticulture at Finger Lakes Community College where he taught for 42 years. His teaching expertise included aquatic ecology, field botany, glacial geology, agronomy and environmental science. During his tenure at the college, Bruce was the Director of the Environmental Studies Program as well as Director of the college’s Muller Field Station located in the southern Honeoye Valley. Dr. Gilman received his PhD in Ecology from the College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse NY.